An Employee Bio

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Request an Appointment

Our team is here to provide personalized, kind, expert gum care to help you regain total oral health. It is our pleasure to call you a patient. If you require periodontal treatment, contact us today to request a consultation.

Our Location

Conveniently Located in Beaumont


1110 Longfellow Suite B
Beaumont, TX 77706

Monday-Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed

Alexander Mazratian DDS, M.ED.

Meet Our Doctor

Alexander Mazratian DDS, M.ED.

Alexander Mazratian DDS, M.ED. is a friendly and dedicated Periodontist based in Beaumont.

Referring Doctors

Now Accepting Patient Referrals

Alexander M. Mazratian, DDS, M.Ed. accepts patient referrals in Beaumont and the Beaumont–Port Arthur area. Our endodontists work closely with referring dentists to ensure optimal patient care experiences and treatment outcomes.

Associations and Memberships

We're proud to be affiliated with the following organizations:

American Board Of Oral Implantology Black
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